Explore all 3D printing solutions offered by GKN Powder Metallurgy through our two brands —

Forecast 3D


GKN Additive


Stop Prototyping, Start Producing

Get a Quote
Fast and affordable
No minimum order quantity
From 1 to 1 million parts

Cut Lead Times and Tooling Costs

Access the benefits of production with 3D Printing - no tooling, no inventory, design flexibility, and much more.

<1 week

Average lead time


Materials to choose from

5 min

Time to place an order

Validated Applications

3D Printing Can Enhance Production

Short-Run Production

Bypass expensive tooling costs and lengthy leads. Quality and costs make 3D printing and short-run production a great match.


Design freedom, mass personalization, and reduced manufacturing constraints allow for greater customization.

Just-in-Time Manufacturing

Reduce inventory by producing just-in-time with 3D printing. On-demand production truly enable little to no inventory.

Digital Inventory

Switch to a digital inventory and reduce warehouse space. Digital inventory can also enable rapid product iteration without a loss of inventory.

“GKN Additive (Forecast 3D) exceeded expectations.”

Christine Bardsley

GM design release engineer


Choose the Best Option for Each Project

Rapid Prototyping

Test fit, form, and function with dozens of materials and finishes.


Whether producing 100 parts or one million, start producing with 3D Printing.

Scale-Up/Pilot Plant

Scale-up solutions and pilot plants reduce risk and increase efficiency of while ramping into full production.

Bridge Manufacturing

Bridge Manufacturing uses 3D printing to cost-effectively test designs, produce during tooling/shipping delays, and get to market faster.


Products enhanced and/or enabled by 3D printing. Explore validated applications that allow for scalability.